Full Name
Kilian Thalhammer
Job Title
Managing Director
Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft
Speaker Bio
Over 20 years in payment/ fintech/ e-commerce & loyalty make Kilian an expert when it comes to serious product, strategy and business development issues. After being Global EVP Product-Management @Wirecard Kilian is now responsible for the business unit merchant solutions at Deutsche Bank (Issuing, Acceptance, Marketplaces). Since Mai 2021, Kilian is Chairman of the Board of the VOEB-ZVD Processing GmbH and Board Member at Euro Kartensysteme (EKS). Kilian works as an advisor for banks, PSP’s, risk providers & merchants. As an early-stage business angel, he helps
companies to get established in the market and grow. He also acts as a mentor & advisor for larger accelerators and
business networks and supports VC as LP in their investments. Kilian is one of the founders of payment and banking – one of Germany’s leading Fintech Blogs & Podcasts and host of the industry events Transactions.io, Banking-exchange and Payment-Exchange.
Kilian Thalhammer