Full Name
Mihkel Mandre
Job Title
Founder & CEO
Speaker Bio
I have over 25 years of experience in the life insurance industry, including management and board positions from Swedbank Life Insurance. I believe true innovation and value arise from connecting different industries in new ways, re-building existing business models, developing unique value propositions, and having a superior founding team with a common long-term vision. This is the foundation of why and how Lyfery was created.

Coming from Estonia, one of the most digitally advanced societies in the world, I have driven innovation, business and product strategies, upgraded product portfolios and business processes, and built and led cross-border teams in the corporate world. I feel it is time to revamp the industry on a broader scale.

People should have new tools to live healthier lives, with full insight into how their behavior influences their lives and society. This captures the essence of life insurance. Everyday well-being and financial protection can be interconnected in innovative ways.
Mihkel Mandre